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About Us!

Ken & Jennifer Eggert Owers of rooms4kids and baby in Naperville

Meet Ken and Jennifer Eggert, the dynamic duo behind Rooms4kids & Baby in Naperville, IL. They've been in the furniture game since 1993, starting with a small bedrooms store in Orland Park, IL, and eventually owning Cribs to College Bedrooms for 9 years in Naperville before opening Rooms4kids & Baby in 2017.
Their passion for selling kids' furniture is matched only by the pure joy of seeing new parents select their child's first crib. Ken and Jennifer have been married since 1995 and are proud parents to two amazing kids. Kailee, their daughter, is a 4th-grade teacher in Wheaton, and their son Karson is a senior at North Central College, where he platys on the Volleyball team. Swing by their store, and you're likely to run into Ken or Jennifer. They're always happy to welcome new customers and lend their expertise to help you find the perfect piece for your family.

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